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Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Is The Perfect Online Business - My Instant Biz Is

No Credit CardImage via Wikipedia
My Instant Biz is the perfect online business.  Why, you ask?

Because it comes with a honest promise.  A promise that you will become successful, not overnight, not in a few days, but give it a chance and put your best effort into it and do the one thing that is required consistently, you will become successful.  Will you become rich beyond your wildest dreams?  No.  Will you make enough to pay a few bills, make some extra income, yes!

I will be honest with you, it will take a bit of time, especially if you're just starting out and you're just getting the hang of things.  But that's the beauty of My Instant Biz, it's user friendly, most of the hard work has already been done for you by Margaret Albright the creator of My Instant Biz.  This leaves you free to do the one thing you are required to do.

You don't need a website and you don't need to register a domain name, you are given all the tools you need.  You are even given a 30-day free trial of an autoresponder.  Yes, free, for one of the best autoresponders I think is out there, Trafficwave.  It's easy to use and it's an important part of your My Instant Biz business.  Why?  It will help you build your list, your list of subscribers.  You have 30 days to use the autoresponder, you do not need to give a credit card, just sign up. 

At the end of the 30 days if you find that this is a great business opportunity for you, just pay $17.95, this is a small monthly charge.  You can make as many autoresponders you like for whatever business you want or for whatever reason you want.  I use one of my autoresponders for my job to remind my staff of upcoming events and deadlines.    But if at the end of 30-days you find it's not for you, don't worry you won't be charged anything, just walk away.  Can't get any fairer than that, can it?  30-days to use everything to promote your business.

Do you have 1-2 hours per day to devote to doing just one thing and one thing only to be successful?  Nothing complicated or requiring complicated software, just 1-2 hours doing one thing and one thing only.  You are not required to do anything else, unless you want to.

If you want more information about the perfect online business, visit My Instant Biz

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Instant Biz - Online Business with a Promise

Crane Paper Company in Dalton produces the pap...Image via Wikipedia
What I like about My Instant Biz is that it's an online business with a promise. If you stick with it, put forth your best efforts, you will succeed. You will make money, how much will be up to you and what you learn along the way.

If you approach it half-heartedly, go days without doing anything, and you are only required to do one thing, then I don't know what business would be for you.  Remember having a business whether online or offline is an investment, an investment of your time, your hard work and your future.

A business that promises you will make money if you stick with it and do only one thing to me is rare. They are honest and up-front that it will not happen overnight, the next night, it may not happen for months, but it will happen.  They do not promise you how much you will make, but you will make money.

You may say, "I can't wait for months to make money." Then I will tell you this, "How many weeks or months have you wasted chasing after other programs that got you paid nothing?" Those weeks or months could have been used to promote your My Instant Biz business and could have started you seeing some money. We never have enough time to do something right; but it seems we have more time to keep doing it over and over to correct it. Now why is that? Why not do it right the first time?

As I said My Instant Biz is a business with a promise, a promise that you will succeed and a promise that they will help you succeed. It also has Margaret Albright, the person who created My Instant Biz. She does all the time consuming work for you right up front. Setting up your autoresponder in the program we are promoting, which is TrafficWave, by the way. She created all of the pre-written letters to new subscribers to help them decide if My Instant Biz is for them. Whenever you log into your back office, you see not one or two banners, splash pages, you see 10 or 12. She even allows all My Instant Biz members access to a tracker program so that they can see where their subscribers are coming from.

My Instant Biz is also not a business that just sits there, they are always being innovative while still keeping it simple. They have recently added a team feature to help those who may not be as good at promoting as others. You are partnered with seasoned members who know what to do, you do your part and they will do theirs.

Another innovation that occurred late last year was the creation of another program called Escalating Biz. Escalating Biz was created for those people who might not have the money to sign up for the money making program right away. This program helps them to make the working capital so they can join the two money-making programs in Escalating Biz which are TrafficWave and Toan Advantage. Making the working capital will cost you nothing, zero cost, no money needed. There are zero investment costs. As your earnings progress from the free programs, you can escalate your business to the paid programs.

The nice thing is you can join one or both of the programs. Let's just do a quick review of My Instant Biz - Online Business.

  • No website required, no domain name, no webhosting
  • Costs less than $18 per month. If you can't afford that, join Escalating Biz
  • Only requires you to put in 2 hours per day - if you can do more that's a win for you.
  • All the hardwork is already done for you, all you have to do is surf the manual free traffic exchanges.
  • 30-day free trial, no credit card required.

Now if you want to learn even more benefits to you at My Instant Biz or Escalating Biz, put in your name and email address above to get your free report. Your name or email address will never be sold or given to a another party. There are no OTOs to worry about because as Margaret says, she has nothing better to offer you than My Instant Biz or, now,  Escalating Biz.

Get your free for My Instant Biz Now report now.

If you'd like to know more about Escalating Biz, you can visit here.  Its a free report also.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

What Is The Perfect Online Business

Road to successImage by gaorganizer via Flickr

I want to reiterate the aspects of what I think is a perfect online business.

* Easy to use and understand. No technical background needed. If you have to be a graduate of MIT to implement it, how long will you devote your time, which is precious by the way, and it is not free. Remember, time is money. As your frustration level increases, your interest level will decrease.

* Is it something you know about or may be interested in learning about? I've often seen people say "follow your passion", well what if you're not passionate about anything. But most of us like something or would like to learn about something. Are you willing to learn?

* Would you feel comfortable promoting the business? If it's something that goes against everything you believe, don't do it. You won't succeed anyway because you won't put the necessary amount of work or time into it to be successful.

* Easy to follow and duplicate. Shows step by step instructions. If you can't figure out how to promote it, your interest will fade along with the money you spent.

* No need to recruit friends and family. I hate programs that want you to entice your friends and family as the first step of the business. Is it because these are the only people you will be able to get to buy or join? Is it such a crappy product that the only thing that will give you a resemblance of success is if you get the people who care about you and love you to buy into it. If it is, even friends and family will bail after awhile, then you're back to square one, no profit, no prospects, and zero business. I could talk all day about this one, but I have to move on.

* Creating a website is optional. When I say website I mean your own stand alone, independent website which will require you to find webhosting. If you're just starting out and want to get your feet wet, and not exactly sure about the whole developing web content to put on the site, learning SEO (Search Engine Optimatization) techniques and other things, then finding an online business that doesn't require you to develop your own website is a decided plus. Once you feel comfortable doing the above things, then we can talk domain name, hosting, content.

* No need to purchase a domain name. Save even more money. Actually I should have combined no need to create a website and this one together. Domain names are important and you need to really think about the name you are going to be paying for and how it ties into your business. Doing it on the spur of the moment while you'll up at 2:00am in the morning is not a good idea. (I know what I'm talking about - sleep deprivation makes you think crazy things)

* No need to create your promotional tools. Why should you have to, the business should already have the tools available for you to use. Your job is to get the traffic to the site using their promotional tools which should be effective. It's their job to sell the product.

* Spend a minimal amount of time to promote the business. Actually this is up to you, always is up to you. But my proviso is if you have to work harder working part-time and spend more time than you do on your regular day job, something is wrong. Unless, and I say unless, you are achieving great results. If you're working eight (8) hours a day working your online business and seeing no results, something is wrong.

* No hidden costs, no hidden promotions. I hate hidden costs. I hate when I've really gotten interested in something which is supposed to be free, but then I'm told that I need to spend $XXXX amount of money to make it profitable. Don't tell me it's free and then hit me with a cost. I'll admit it, I'm cheap.

* Great support. Responsive and helpful to customer questions and complaints. You are never alone. Think about it, if you can't get help, what makes you think your referrals will?

* Realistic income. Can you really believe the hype? Can you really make $10,000 within a month or two months, with no experience, no knowledge of web tools, resources?

I've been doing this for over 3 years now and I've probably joined some of the worst online businesses around when I first started. But it's been a learning experience for me, in some cases quite costly in time and money. So I've learned to know a good thing when I see it.

I've found several good examples of what a perfect online business should be. Easy to understand and implement, easy to follow and responsive to their customers. Remember they are your referrals, but they are customers for the business you are promoting. You are recommending/endorsing a product to someone. If it's crappy, poor, or mediocre, guess what they will think about you.

I recommend if you're just starting out, to pick something easy that will allow you to make some money while you're learning. Won't run your credit card through the roof and easy to follow and implement. I've been with this business about a year and a half and it's my most consistent earner My Instant Biz See for yourself if this meets the criteria above for a perfect online business. You can fill in the opt-in box and I'll send you the free report. Also, you get 30-days to "kick the tires" to see if you like it. No credit card required. If you like it and wish to continue then provide your payment information. If after 30-days you decide you don't like it, just walk away, and no harm done, no remembering to cancel, but I don't think you will.

Comments are always welcome.

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