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My Instant Biz is the perfect online business. Why, you ask?Because it comes with a honest promise. A promise that you will become successful, not overnight, not in a few days, but give it a chance and put your best effort into it and do the one thing that is required consistently, you will become successful. Will you become rich beyond your wildest dreams? No. Will you make enough to pay a few bills, make some extra income, yes!
I will be honest with you, it will take a bit of time, especially if you're just starting out and you're just getting the hang of things. But that's the beauty of My Instant Biz, it's user friendly, most of the hard work has already been done for you by Margaret Albright the creator of My Instant Biz. This leaves you free to do the one thing you are required to do.
You don't need a website and you don't need to register a domain name, you are given all the tools you need. You are even given a 30-day free trial of an autoresponder. Yes, free, for one of the best autoresponders I think is out there, Trafficwave. It's easy to use and it's an important part of your My Instant Biz business. Why? It will help you build your list, your list of subscribers. You have 30 days to use the autoresponder, you do not need to give a credit card, just sign up.
At the end of the 30 days if you find that this is a great business opportunity for you, just pay $17.95, this is a small monthly charge. You can make as many autoresponders you like for whatever business you want or for whatever reason you want. I use one of my autoresponders for my job to remind my staff of upcoming events and deadlines. But if at the end of 30-days you find it's not for you, don't worry you won't be charged anything, just walk away. Can't get any fairer than that, can it? 30-days to use everything to promote your business.
Do you have 1-2 hours per day to devote to doing just one thing and one thing only to be successful? Nothing complicated or requiring complicated software, just 1-2 hours doing one thing and one thing only. You are not required to do anything else, unless you want to.
If you want more information about the perfect online business, visit My Instant Biz